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Ohanalulu (previously known as Ohana Donuts & Ice Cream) opened in February 2020 and was born out of a love for the amazing Hawaiian islands and all things sweet. Find out about the background to

this adventure below.


Owner Nate Haugh first visited Hawaii with his family back in 1990 when he was 13 years old. The Haugh family quickly fell in love with the unique culture, beauty, and perfect weather of Hawaii life. They would return several times throughout Nate's high school and college years.


Nate and his wife, Katy, honeymooned in Oahu in 2001. While there, Nate promised to take Katy back to Hawaii because she had also fallen in love with the islands. The Haughs have enjoyed several return trips with their three children and extended family. Hawaii has become a special place of cherished memories for the entire Haugh family.


"AloHAUGH" is a common greeting in the Haugh household!


The Haughs also love donuts and ice cream...almost as much as they love Hawaii! After years of dreaming and many prayers, the concept of "Ohana" was born and put into motion.

Ohana means "family" in the Hawaiian language, but in a broader sense, it means COMMUNITY. The Haugh family hopes to share the essence and spirit of OHANA with the central Indiana community through a unique and family-friendly experience.

Aloha and welcome to OHANA!

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